This Week in the National Enquirer......
IN THIS WEEK'S ISSUE: Jamie Lynn Runs Away From Home In Vitro Twins For Angelina Heath Ledger Death S...Read More
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I don't know.... one of you Canadians tell me if she can get her National Enquirer on in VQ? If not I'll pack you a copy when I fly out on Thursday night.
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Coolio! I'm dying to read all about Angeline Jolie having in vitro treatment (WTF?)
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yes, apparently because she couldn't get preggers fast enough with her body weight (*cough* heroin use), and its twins....
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They're going to have a small army. Six kids?? Holy crap, that's a lot.
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ya we get NE here! Angie got preggers easily enough the first time though?
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She says she got pregnant the first time that they tried, however I'm skeptical. I know someone else that claims to have got pregnant the first time they tried & she's had kids instead of working...
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Depends on the age and health of the mother ... anyway, the NE keeps saying they are still going to adopt more kids afterwards. Anyone think she will end up like Mia Farrow?
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I HATE Angelina Jolie, what a pussbucket! Doesn't she know that overpopulation is a very serious problem? Yet she keeps on popping them out..just adopt Angie you slag.
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But, but ... Angie is giving existing kids a good home!
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mallrat no way wrote: I HATE Angelina Jolie, what a pussbucket! Doesn't she know that overpopulation is a very serious problem? Yet she keeps on popping them out..just adopt Angie you slag. According...
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